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  • Writer's pictureMary Parker

Over the last couple of months...

I've been working on a new landscape linocut for a year, it kept taking a back seat for various reasons but I finally finished it. I've written a long piece about it on my Substack, which you can find here. I submitted it, and the alternative version of the decorating kiln at Gladstone Pottery Museum, to the Derby Print Open and I'm happy to say that both got accepted! They have been delivered to Banks Mill Studios (using a local train service again which I love to do!), and the exhibition will be on throughout June.

I've been trying to think of ways of making my working practice easier this year. I've already produced a sub-par linocut for a challenge, it was a waste of time in the end I think, but I'll be very glad indeed if anyone ever takes a shine to it. I give in to these challenges far too easily when I don't really have the time to do them. However, there are three things that I have already made in some sense that can be used for three events over the next few months. One will involve fishing out the blocks for my only multiblock linocut, another will involve sticking my neck out and getting an existing large linocut framed, and the other will make me figure out the packing for my craft press so that I can finally print a drypoint plate that I made years ago for the Green Door Studios International Print Exchange, and at last send it in! More news on all of these soonish, hopefully.

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